By Misti Norris
Handmade Cavatelli & Morcilla
Cavatelli Ingredients Needed: 360g All Purpose Flour 7g Salt 4 Eggs 2 Yolks 2Tbs Olive Oil Method:
Morcilla Ingredients Needed: 1.3K Ground Pork Shoulder 240g Back Fat 1 L Pork Blood 100g Diced Onion 50g Garlic 36g Sea Salt 6g Curing Salt (Preferably Cure #1) 10g White Pepper 6g Magnolia Leaf (dried) 30g Hot Paprika Method:
Mojo Aioli Ingredients Needed: 5 cloves of garlic 200g Day-Old Stale Bread 50g Smoked Paprika 150ml Red Wine Vinegar 400ml Grapeseed Oil 2 eggs cooked 6 mins 300ml Grapeseed Oil Method:
Whey Poached 1015 Onions Peel and quarter the onions (make sure to use Texas 1015 onions, or a similar sweet onion) , simmer in cheese whey until translucent and soft, but not falling apart. Strain and cool. To Create The Dish